Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The greatest right in the world is not right to be right but right to be wrong!mistakes are there to be corrected!by the way,it is not the end of the world.

The word Trust is d basis of all relatioas but a small mistake made, can change its entire meaning. Like just a missing 'T' can 'RUST' d relation....

Relationshp is lyk d needle of clock.
Though v r in d same clock v cant meet,
Even if v meet its only 4 few secs.
but v nvr seperate.....

Lyf is not worth living until u hav some1 2 die 4...
And lyf is not worth dyinG N1ce
u hav some1 to live 4..
strange but true...

Y do v close our eyes?
wen V pray,
wen v cry,
wen V kiss,
wen V Dream.........
cuz d most b'ful things in lyf r unseen.....
n felt only by heart...

If God ans ur prayers he's increasin ur faith,
If he delays he's increasin ur patience,
n If he dsnt lisen he knws....
u can handle it perfctly......

A good way to change someones attitude,
is to change ur own.
bcuz d same sun which melts d butter hardens d clat too..

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